Da Miracle was founded in 2009 by Debadrita Bose (June Ray).   

Digital Marketing Must Haves

This is something you must know before you start a business, launch a website or already own a website.
Before you even select the name of your company or register it, you must employ a good digital marketing consultant.
This is to make you aware about the digital marketing set up is and make your digital marketing base very strong .

The following are some of the most important digital and technical must haves..

  1. The name of the company should be search friendly with a vector simple logo. For new companies with a lot of competition the name being search friendly, really helps to get organic rankings quickly.
  2. Company Gmail.  Preferably, g suite subscribed.
  3. Domain booked. Domain name has to use the company name. And this is where the searchable company name helps.
  4. Correct hosting booked ( with security certificates) accosrding to the size of the website and domain emails configured.
  5. UI UX design of website . Easy, simple navigation and speed optimised.
  6. Features and functions of the website should be in compliance with search engines and latest algorithms.
  7. Mobile site, and a .mob version is a must. From next year any site which is not a mobile first website will lose rankings drastically.
  8. All images must be optimised for best results.
  9. Content optimised. terse , well written , informative content is a must.
  10. Digital assets correctly configured, optimised and linked correctly.
  11. A good Online Reputation Management  strategy for Digital Branding

For the best digital marketing ROI , you need to have a consultant/agency whose team consists of excellent coders, designers , tech persons, content writers, animators , social media managers , SEO experts and Google ad experts.

Unless these experts work together under the same roof you can never get the best results.